







AUGUST 1 - 7


Three-year seminar
In anthroposophic psychology and Waldorf pedagogic

The Rostov Seminar in anthroposophical psychology and Waldorf pedagogy continues training sessions for Waldorf teachers, Waldorf kindergartners and anthroposophical psychologists and psychotherapists. We invite teachers, psychologists, doctors and the general public to gain knowledge in these areas.
The training started in November 2015 and run until June 2018; it includes 12 sessions - four sessions of 9 days per year. The estimated cost of the first session, held from October 30 to November 7 2015, is 10,000 rubles. Now it is possible to join the seminar as a listener (without getting certified). It is also possible to attend an individual program, lectures or workshops of the seminar.

The third set of the seminar starts on November 2, 2018

The second set of the seminar November 2015 - June 2018

Main seminar items

Mainitems Duration (ac. hours)
Anthroposophy as phenomena of contemporary mankind cultural life Anthroposophic psychology as a stage of psychological science development 10
Theory of reincarnation and karma 40
The history of the Earth evolution Cultural epochs of mankind development 20
Human spirit, soul and body and their relations
Threefold, fourfold, sevenfold, ninefold and twelvefold human being
Structure of human soul
Main realm and processes in human soul
Healing and destructive forces in human soul and their origins
Epoch of consciousness soul, its special features and tasks
Archangel Michael as Leading Spirit of our time
Mankind on the Threshold
Humanity in retrospective and perspective
Theoryof 12 senses 60
Healthy body development as basis for soul and spiritual development 25
Modern psychological problems and diseases from anthroposophical point of view
Anthroposophic theory of conflict
Anthroposophic psychiatry and psychotherapy
Goetheanistic observations 20
Christand human soul 8
Philosophy of freedom 12
Biographical work 50
Eurhythmy, painting, sinning, etc. 150
Psychology between medicine and religion
Moral and self-developmental aspects of anthroposophical psychologist’ activity
Training of capacities which are necessary for diagnostic and therapy 50
Summary 815

Seminar docents

Michaela Glockler

medical doctor, the leader of Medical Section of Goetheanum

Armin Husemann

medical doctor, the leader of Eugen-Kolosko-Academy

Tatiana Pavlova

anthroposophic psychologist, Member of Council of IFAPA, seminar director

Elena Salmygyna

educator of Waldorf kindergarten, active member aaenoaeoaeuiue ?eai «Unity of Waldorf kindergarteners»

Natalia Kocharova

Waldorf teacher

Marina N. Sazanova

curitive eurhythmist

Dina R. Mechitova

music therapist

Heinz Georg Haussler

sculpture, co-founder of Alanus Art Institution

Johannes Greiner

eurhythmist, musician, Waldorf teacher, board member of the Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland

Wolter Bos

biologist, Waldorf teacher (grade 7-12) for biology and chemistry, active in teacher training in the Netherlands, Germany and Brazil.

Hans-Christian Zehnter

biologist, main topics: anthroposophic approach to nature, aesthetic and methodology of sense cognition, works in Goetheanum, Dornach.

Albert Ahti

Waldorf teacher, has an experience in education of handicap children.

Philipp Reubke

– studied philosophy and literature, worked as Waldorf kindergarten teacher from 1996 till 2011, now he is member of IASWECE coordination group.

Vladislav Ivonin

– Waldorf teacher with 25 years of experience, teach arts and crafts in Waldorf School in Stuttgart, Germany.

Irina Hanukova

– Waldorf teacher with 19 years of experience, class teacher and also teaches Russian language and literature in Waldorf School, S-Petersburg.

Elisabeth Appenrodt-Patijn

– started eurythmy training in 1972. Currently she has freelance artistic activities in different project groups and is memo member of the "Shostakovich Eurythmy Ensemble" Russian/Netherlands.

Narine Maltzeva

the docent of Ukraine Waldorf seminar, worked as a teacher in Waldorf School

Johannes Wolter

curative teacher/educator, teacher and lecturer in Rudolf Steiner Institute, member of the board of directors of the Technical College for Therapeutic Pedagogy in Kassel (Germany)

Oleh Faliy

Waldorf Teacher of Free School in Zhukovsky, Moscow region
The first set of seminar

Participants’ opinions

My name is Olga Lavruhina. I work as psychologist in prison system since 1999. During lust 3 years I have to communicate with my colleges from Northern Caucasus and other regions of Southern Russia. Because most of these colleges belong to different nations, cultures and religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism) our communication is not easy at all. But after starting my studying at Rostov seminar for Waldorf teachers and anthroposophic psychologists I discovered the universal method of psychological support. This method is understandable for all religious confessions and it is original as Esperanto language. Using this method I haven’t language barrier problems! During group psychotherapeutic work participant experience sense of complicity with great ancient mystery and when use this method in individual work I feel like magician! I would like to express huge thankfulness to Collegium of Rostov seminar of Waldorf pedagogic and anthroposophic psychology for possibility to get such magic knowledge without long travel. I hope – probably it is hope of all seminar participants – that our study continue and its results even surpass all expectations.

I would like to express real gratefulness for seminar managers for democratic atmosphere and for correctly made timetable which is really convenient for local participants and for ones from other places. I liked Tatiana Pavlova’s lectures. They helped me to systematize information which I got from different sources in different time, now this information has transformed into my knowledge. I liked that no one participants’ question was left out of attention and discussion. I think that seminar of Waldorf pedagogic and anthroposophic psychology is opportune and necessary for Rostov land. Tatiana Limonchenko, curative educator.

Around 15 years ago I encounter with anthroposophy. All this time I was getting support from anthroposophic psychologist and using anthroposophic medicines. My interest and sympathy to anthroposophy were growing but it was impossible to get systematic knowledge. Sometimes I participated in anthroposophic group meeting or in different short seminars but discussed subjects were mostly non-understandable and too complicated for me, probably because I haven’t pedagogic or psychological education. Start of this seminar – is real chance to get knowledge “from scratch”. It was a lot of complicated things during first sessions but no one question was left unattended. All questions were answered by lecturer, by seminar Collegium or by group. I was afraid that from year to year my learning capability is decreasing, but seminar timetable is made in such a way that lectures alternate with eurhythmy, sinning and group discussions and because of this tiredness, “fussiness by knowledge” didn’t appear. At this seminar I hope to get systematic knowledge of spiritual, soul and physical organization of human being that help me reach harmony with the world. Olga Vorobeva, 50 years old, Rostov-on-Don

AUGUST 1 - 5