Meeting 1
October 8 2014
Modification of love or what was left of love in the big city
Ancient Greeks considered seven variations of love (filia eretike, eunoja, agape, haris, potos, mania and eros); all these levels of love exist also now but they have another names and manifestations. Modern life – especially in big city – puts the person in a very rigid framework and forces lifestyle. Probably only the love to another person is able to give us the power to overcome the dictates of the external environment. So people wait and look for it. But what is love. Where it comes from and where it goes leaving a broken heart as the memory of itself? What to do if it came?

Meeting 2
November 13 2014
HE=SHE or HE+SHE? Who does win in a love match?
Man and Woman… They are so different and this makes our world more interesting. But globalization and unification of modern epoch seeks to delete this natural difference. The struggle for equal rights has shifted from politics to personal relationships and the fear to give more than you can get in return came with it. But what is really possible to give or to get in romantic relations between man and woman? How can He and She – who are so different but are created for each other – to build “world for two”? In order to find answers for these questions man and woman need to be able to speak about this.

Meeting 3
December 17 2014
An all this is about sex: love, sexual contact, sin, instinct, form of violence, basic physiological need…
Today the theme of sexual relations is open and closed in the same time. It is not possible to ignore it but it is very difficult to speak about it in a dignified manner. However, sex is an important part of the life of any adult and therefore it is necessary to be able to talk about this phenomenon. Of course everyone is experiencing these things individually and it does not require any discussions and comments. But it is evident that a kind of objective force acts through sexuality and we need to be aware of it and also we should talk about it.

Meeting 4
March 18 2015
Deadly erotic: cinemalogical analysis of the Jonathan Glazer's film "Under the Skin"
We continue a series of meetings "Urban projection of love" and would like to invite you to watch a movie. The film "Under the Skin" was in theaters in 2014 and caused a different opinion from the audience and critics, but most of them agreed that the heroine of the film, an alien girl played by Scarlet Johansen, was "incredibly erotic". But behind this "incredible" is worth more: a kind of combination of terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The story takes place on several planes and thus there is still something left unsaid but it is in the air and is almost ready to prove itself.
We suggest to consider the movie "Under the Skin" using the method of cinemalogical analysis proposed by ontopsychology founder Antonio Meneghetti. Probably this method will help to understand better phenomena of sexuality and eroticism as they are considered in the film.

Meeting 5
April 22 2015
Love and Karma
"I love you no matter what I do. I love because I cannot stop to love. It's my destiny ..." – the one, in whose soul these words sounded, experienced firsthand how the law of Karma works.
In the word Karma one hears an inevitable force of fate and effect of Karma is viewed more as a punishment. But people dream about love they wait for her arrival as for a miracle. And even if it sounds strange – love is one of the manifestations of karmic debt and it comes into life in accordance with the law of Karma. But love is stronger than Karma because it is above any law if, of course, it's

Meeting 6
May 20 2015
Woman in male civilization
We live in the tough world of business, politic and total concurrence. One has to be strong to survive and very strong to be successful … but how do you have to be in order to be yourself?
Today almost everybody wants to be the best one or at least equal to everyone. But the desire to be on a par with the man often makes a woman unhappy, because in this quest woman has to give up some of the qualities of female nature that means she has to abandon herself. Is it possible to be strong and happy at the same time? And how can one to do this?

Meeting 7
June 17 2015
Freedom in love or love as the basis of freedom
We are looking for love and want to take off into the sky on its wings. And take off ... but then suddenly fall into the abyss of pain and misunderstanding. We open heart to beloved one without any coercion and suddenly find ourselves bound by the obligations and promises ...
How to keep love free? And is it possible to keep love? And anyway, what is freedom? Is freedom possible without love?

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